I have MO2, Skyrim, Skyrim Launcher and SKSE all set to run as an admin, and I've tried changing my mod directory to various different directories (moving the mods each time) but to no avail. I tried placing the line in there anyway, but it still didn't work.

I didn't have anything which said "bEnableFileSelection" in SkyrimPrefs.ini. I'm hardly an expert on Mod Organizer, but I've taken a short look at the code and my initial conclusion is that bringing it to Linux would take a large amount of work, that is, more than it was to make this tool. I wish I understood this enough to follow these instructions. Unfortunately it's not really as simple as focusing on bringing Mod Organizer to Linux. Sorry for long post thanks for take time to read this that fix load mods ♦ v1.I found another fix for mod organizer dont load mods.Update your game with skyrim 1.9 patch and reinstall skse.Also run as admin in compability mode win 7 or what version is your windows.Dont touch crack exe after update or replace and go to your inis file Documents >My Games>Skyrim if you dont Use Mod Organizer.If you Use MO go to mod organizer>profiles>Default and change in SkyrimPrefs.ini on this line bEnableFileSelection = 1.Go to MO and add DATA from your Skyrim game to MO and enable all visible mods+enable plugins.Add Skse loader to MO and run from mod organizer. ♦ v1.1 (note) - As the day of now, 2016 March 30th, this script still works (ignore people lying in the comment section) With this script, you should be able to fix the lag, and make the world load smoother, (it doesn't fix the world not loading bug completely, but it makes the world loading much smoother).

To ensure you want to keep some of your important processes untouched, edit the script! Important info! The script now increases FPS ingame, but closes a few processes in the task manager.